Savings provides the financial protection to the individual saver at the time of emergency. Investment is an economic activity of employment of funds with the expectation of receiving a stream of benefits in the future. Tiruppur is the biggest centre for exports of knitwear in India and seen as one of the most dynamic garment clusters in the developing world. There are several factors which influence the textile executives and employees to save and invest money in plethora investment avenues. Depending on the suitability of the characteristics of investment avenues to their requirements, textile executives and employees choose the investment channels. This study has been undertaken to analyse the factors influencing savings and investment decision of textile employees and executives in Tirupur City, Tamil Nadu. Results revealed that Self decision and Brokers and Investment Agents have been identified as the most influencing personal factors for savings and investment decision of the textile executives and employees. Results also revealed that Low risk and Return are the highly influencing investment features influencing savings and investment decision of the textile executives and employees.