Introduction: Renal Trauma Is A Major Cause of Morbidity And Mortality.80% – 95% of Cases Occur Due To Motor Vehicle Collisions And Fall From Heights. Renal Trauma Is Common Among Young Males, In Age Group of 25-35 years. There has been a shift from radical to conservative treatment even in higher grades of renal injuries [2,3].
Aim: To Review The Management of Renal Injury, Various Grades of Presentations From The Period Between August 2015 To June 2018.
Materials and Methods: For all the Cases with Renal Injury, Records and Imaging System Were Reviewed. Initially evaluated with comple haemogram, ultrasound abdomen. Contrast ct Abdomen And Renal Injury Was Graded According to American Association For Surgery of Trauma Classification [1, 4, 5]. Management Was Done Based On The Grade Of Injury As Conservative, Minimally Invasive And Surgical Groups.
Results: Total Number of Patients Inccluded Were 30(n=30). Males Were 26 and Females were 04.AGE: < 20 yrs were 12, 21-30 Were 08, 31-40 Were 06 and >40 Were 4. Grade I- 10, Grade II- 06, GRADE III- 04, Grade IV-08 And Grade V Were 02. Conservative Treatment Done For 20, DJ Stenting IN 04, Partial Nephrectomy IN 04 and Nephrectomy IN 02.
Conclusion: Blunt Renal Trauma Managemnt Has Changed From Radical To More Conservative Even In High Grade Injuries. Minimally Invasive Procedure, DJ Stenting Plays A Major Role. More Renal Units Can be Salvaged by Conservative management.