With the increased incidents of major fires in buildings; assessment, repairs and rehabilitation of fire damaged structures has become a topical interest. This is a specialized field involves expertise in many areas like concrete technology, material science and testing, structural engineering, repair materials and techniques etc. Research and developmental efforts are being carried out in this area and other related disciplines. In this topic the experience of real life problems are presented which add immense value to this. This topic also gives a comprehensive knowledge on the overall strategy for the restoration of fire damaged buildings and also presents a critical appraisal of the assessment procedures by different non destructive techniques, specifications and execution of repair techniques.
The experimentation has been done to find out the impact of the fire on reinforcement steel bars by heating the bars to 100°, 300°, 600°, 900° centigrade of 6 samples each. The heated samples are rapidly cooled by quenching in water and normally by air cooling. The change in the mechanical properties are studied using universal testing machine (UTM) and the microscopic study of grain size and grain structure is studied by scanning electron microscope (SEM).
The general conclusion is that majority of fire damaged RCC structures are repairable. But the impact of elevated temperature above 900°C on the reinforcement bars was observed that there is significant reduction in ductility when rapidly cooled by quenching. In the same case when cooled in normal atmospheric conditions the impact of temperature on ductility is not high. By heating the reinforcement bars, the mechanical properties can be changed without varying the chemical composition.