Background- Hepatitis B virus (HBV) it is double-stranded circular DNA virus and member of the Hepadnaviridae family of viruses.
Methods-This cross sectional study was done on 100 medical students from first year to fifth year were enrolled voluntarily to participate in this study. The objective, nature and benefits of this study were explained and informed written consent was taken from all participants. All students were interviewed structured self-completed quaternaries.
Results-70% of participants knew that getting vaccinated offers a protection from infection for 15 years. 34% of final year year students are aware that a titre value of more than 10 ml U/ml is needed for protection from Hepatitis B infection. 90% of students are willing to motivate others and encourage them to get vaccinated against Hepatitis B. 88% of students believe vaccination is needed even though we are taking precautionary measures when exposed to at risk cases. 60% of participants enrolled for the study are vaccinated against Hepatitis B.
Conclusion- This study highlighted the need to have medical graduates educated regarding significance of immunization against vaccine preventable hospital acquired infection like hepatitis and how vaccination can play in reducing morbidity and mortality among health care professionals.