A preliminary fresh water fish diversity analysis has been conducted in Chiklihole (tributary of river Cauvery) during post monsoon season (November 2017 to February 2018). Fishes were collected with the help of local fisherman and identified with the help of standard reference materials. A total 15 species out of 27 species are endemic to Western Ghats, 11 species are endemic to Indian sub-continent and 1 exotic species Oreochromis mossambica and four endangered species Garra gotyla,, Parluciosoma daniconius, Puntius melanostigma, Channa orientalis and Tor khudree a critically endangered species have been recorded. The study revealed that many species in the area are being threatened by various major activities are habitat modification, removal of riparian vegetation, agricultural activities and destructive fishing. Therefore conservation action plans are needed to conserve rare, highly threatened and critically endangered fish species in this region.