The cyber-crimes pose a great threat to individuals and society. Cyber-crime is a global phenomenon and women are the soft targets of this new form of crime. Cyber-crime is emerging as a challenge for national and economic security. Cyber Stalking, Harassment via Email, Cyber Defamation, Morphing, and Email Spoofing against women are some of the various forms of threats faced by women in cyber space.
India is considered as one of the very few countries to enact IT Act 2000 to combat cyber-crimes. This Act is widely covered commercial and economic crimes which is clear from the preamble of the IT Act but it is observed that there is no specific provision to protect security of women and children. However there are few provisions to cover some of the crimes against women in cyber space under IT Act. Indian women netizens are still not open to immediately report the cyber abuse or cyber-crime. This nature provides the offenders the chance to escape after the commission of cyber-crime. The problem would be solved only when the victimized woman then and there report back or even warn the abuser about taking strong actions.