Objective: To determine the toxic effect of polyherbal formulation on albino rats (Rattus norvegicus).
Methods: The chronic toxicity study were conducted the limited test dose level of 125mg, 250mg and 500mg/kg body weight of extract administered for 30 days.
Results: No abnormal behavior and no mortality was recorded till the end of the experiment. No significant variation in the related organ weight and biochemical parameters was recorded at the end of the experiment.
Conclusion: The present study revealed that the polyherbal formulation (mixture of Andrographis paniculata, Andrographis alata, Gymnema sylvestre, Justicia glabra, Adhatoda zeylanica and Syzygium cumini) showed no toxic effect to the rats even at high dose of 500mg/kg body weight, thus the polyherbal plant extract is used to evaluate antidiabetic activity.