Wall writing is a common practice found in almost all the educational institutions. Most of the writings found in the desks, laboratories even in the books and notebooks consist of drawings, lines, cutting of desks with sharp knives and several other objectionable items spoil the decency of the educational institutions. This kind of practice is a clear indication of undesirable symptomatic behavior of children involving a number of factors namely, personal limitations, inhibitions, defective classroom learning environment, etc. The present paper is an attempt to study the school management practices and classroom learning climate that may lead to wall writing practices among school children. For the study 10 schools (5) Government and (5) private schools will be selected. Schools were further classified in four categories based on wall writing practices. Total 100 teachers consisting of 10 in each category of schools will be selected. From the select schools a sample of 120 students consisting of 30 in each group will be drawn. A self structured questionnaire on classroom learning climate was developed to collect the relevant information. Further, school survey was conducted to collect information regarding wall writing in the select schools. The study is expected to throw light towards several hidden facets of personality which may be used for proper training and transformation of these tender minds.