The practice of abortion claims more women lives every day, for being considered as a crime in our state, women practice it in unhealthy places or taking medicines that in some cases they cause death.
Objective Describe the knowledge on abortion decriminalizing in nursing students n°1 of Chilpancingo, Guerrero 2015.
Methodology The study population consisted of 179 randomly selected students and the type of sampling was stratified, a scale was constructed to assess the students’ knowledge on abortion decriminalizing, the indicators good, regular and bad, subsequently it was analyzed through Chi square the association of the variables.
Results 65.9 % of students have a bad knowledge, while only 29.6 % regular and 4.5% have a good knowledge, respect to the knowledge on abortion decriminalizing the 98.9% of the students have a bad knowledge, to investigate the relation between knowledge and sociodemographic variables, were found that the semester and knowing the methods to abort are related to the knowledge about abortion using a significancelevelof5%.
Conclusion knowledge about abortion and decriminalization in students who participated in the research is bad, regarding the decriminalization of abortion, more than a third of the study population is unknown and also against the law decriminalizing abortion.