Mucosal ulceration is one of the most distressing side effects of cancer therapy.The general aim of the study is to assess the awareness and practices of patients with cancer to prevent mucositis. The Investigator conducted this study in the Regional Cancer hospital Shimla, H.P in the month of November 2015. The sample size comprised of 40 patients, of both genders, diagnosed with cancer and planned for radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Structured questionnaire and practice assessment checklist were used to assess awareness and practices of patients. Study findings shows that out of 40 respondents only 5% of the respondents had good level of awareness, 42.5% had average level of awareness and most of most of them (52.5%) level of awareness regarding prevention of mucositis and 55% had poor, 35% had average and only 10% respondents had good practices regarding prevention of mucositis.