INTRODUCTION: Cross-cultural nursing goes beyond knowledge and makes use of the knowledge of cultural nursing care to practice culturally congruent and responsible care. METHODOLOGY: phenomenological qualitative design by the process of data collection, the way of organizing them and the type of analysis that is used, is supported by the phenomenological approach that is characterized by focusing its attention on personal experience. RESULTS: The categories found in the speeches of the three women were four: Category 1: Skin-to-skin contact in this category, the participants describe the moment when the nursing professional places the newborn on his mother's chest immediately, and in that way generate immediate attachment complemented with exclusive breastfeeding. Both attachment and breastfeeding have gained great importance as it favors the affective bonds of the binomial, establishes a longer lasting relationship, improves the quality of breastfeeding and stimulates optimal health for the child. Category 2: Beliefs and customs regarding their culture, each culture requires a type of attention, since it varies according to the different meanings of caring, of the different types of practices and beliefs that they have on health and illness. Category 3: Spirituality. It is characterized by an inner harmony and feelings of satisfaction. Category 4: Accompaniment refers that all the women remembered with special vividness the words of encouragement that were given to them and the loving physical contact, when there was one. They stated that they clearly remembered these gestures because they had been crucial moments that gave them strength to continue. CONCLUSIONS: The way in which the nursing staff respects the varied cultural heritage of each family was recognized. Professional nursing care was responsible and congruent with their culture, linking health practice with anthropological knowledge; promoting the conjugation and interaction of the cultural diversity of the users with the nursing professionals, in a scientific and professional support and, avoiding at all times aggressing or forcing the process. RECOMMENDATIONS:Schedule childbirth care for women and families by providing information that a birth without technology is safe and feasible. Likewise, the entire health team must provide information related to the advantages of deliveries without technologies. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES:Lagunés, Muñoz, O. E. (2015). Cuidado transcultural en la atención materno infantil. (Tesis de licenciatura). Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, Ver. Leininger, M. &Farland, M. (2002). Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, Research, and Practice, Madeleine Leininger: 2002, un análisis de sus fundamentos teóricos. Revista UNAM. Enfermería Universitaria, 4 (2)., Pinto, F. (2007). Apego y lactancia natural. Revista chilena de pediatría, 78. doi: 10.4067/S0370-41062007000600008, Pelcastre, B., Santillana, M., De los Ángeles, J., Díaz, A., Ortega, D., & Villegas, N., (2005). Embarazo, parto y puerperio: creencias y prácticas de parteras en San Luis Potosí, México, 39 (4), Cabrera, M. (2001). Acompañamiento en el parto. Ponencia presentada en la Reunión de Matronas en el 5.º Congreso Mundial de Medicina Perinatal., Toledo, L. (2015). Percepción de la vivencia en la atención del parto en agua: Un acercamiento a la exploración cualitativa. (Tesis de licenciatura). Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, Ver., Zebadúa Carbonell, J. P. (2011). Cultura, identidades y transculturalidad. Apuntes sobre la construcción identitaria de las juventudes indígenas. IX (1), 36-47.