Community approaches is the most important for the success of wildlife conservation. Ecological education is very essential scheme to change the thoughts of community about the conservation of wildlife. The present survey was planned to community perception for Sarus crane (Grus antigone) and their conservation in Faridpur Tehsil under Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. The survey method consisted with the collection of data from primary and secondary resources. A semi-structured questionnaire survey to collect information on different aspects of Sarus crane conservation was used. All questions were in regional language, questions had multiple options and respondent chosen one of these. The majority of community noticed that maximum (59.33%) saw 1-2 Sarus cranes in their villages. The response for the preferred habitat of Sarus crane maximum (39.34%) saw the Sarus crane in the non cultivated marshlands, followed by crop field (32%), pond (24.66%) and minimum (4%) saw them near the river. Community person’s maximum (48.67%) feels that standing crops were the most liked food by the Sarus cranes. The majority of respondents, most (76.67%) saw the presence of nest and eggs in their villages while 35 (23.33%) denied of any such sightings. The number of Sarus crane decline in study area therefore mostly (60.67%) feel a decline in the number of Sarus cranes however, others (39.33%) do not feel any such decline. They feel a decline in the number of Sarus cranes maximum (39.56%) believe it was because of wetland degradation, (27.47%) consider the decline because of adverse atmospheric conditions, (20.87%) think it is because of low food availability, (6.60%) because of hunting and (5.50%) considered other reasons for the decline. Furthermore, more research and projects should be planned for the conservation of Sarus crane in Uttar Pradesh.