Background: Clinical teaching behavior is a critical determinant for quality of clinical learning experiences of nursing students.The objective of the study was to explore the effectiveness of clinical teacher behaviors as rated by Nursing faculty, practicing graduates and students, and to find out the significant differences and commonalities between these perceptions.
Methods: ADescriptive design was adopted for this study with a total sample of 117 respondents from Nursing Department, College of Applied Medical Science, Mohail, KKU.The instrument used for thestudy was, “The Nursing Clinical Teacher Effectiveness Inventory” (NCTEI).
Results: Various teaching behaviors showed statistically significant different scores between the groups and it was found that the perceptions like Teaching ability, Nursing competence, Evaluation and Interpersonal relations scores were significant at p< 0.05 level.
Conclusion: Clinical teachers must possess effective teaching characteristics to promote clinical learning as the students consider their teachers as best role models in learning. On the basis of results, the study recommend thatvarious methods can be adopted to improve the interpersonal relations between students and clinical teachers, as it was the least rated teaching ability by the nursing students. Also further research may be conducted among the male and female students in the diverse academic clinical settings.