Mamokath are thermo-expandable long-term stents available for all sections of the urinary tract. Pure Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) alloy with precision thermal memory properties is utilized only for the mamokath. It has become available in India since 2012. It is available for ureter (051), prostate (028), bulbar urethra (044) and penile urethra (045). We are presenting our experience of using above mamokaths and its out come.
Methods: A total of 31 patients ineligible for surgery under general anesthesia who subsequently had a mamokath stent inserted between June 2012 and September 2015 were enrolled in the present study. We evaluated the postoperative postvoid residual (PVR) and presence of pyuria, and reviewed postoperative complications and unassisted urination ability.
Results: Total 31 patients (8 ureteric stricture, 4 BPE,16 bulbar urethral stricture and 3 penile urethral stricture) underwent mamokath insertion. Two out 8 ureteral mamokath had migration and one needed removal. Rest are doing well with follow-up of upto 3 years. Four patients with prostatic stent are catheter free without significant residual urine. Out of 16 bulbar urethral stent, one had migration with ingrowth of tissue at upper end which was managed by laser ablation. Two stents were removed, one because of pain and other because of encrustation. Another pt needed bipolar TURP so stent was removed. All penile stents were doing well.
Conclusion: Mamokaths are good alternative to manage these complex problems with minimum morbidity.