Introduction: The various forms of tinea are commonly occurring superficial dermatophytoses, treated with antifungals, both systemic as well as topical. Salicylic acid commonly used as a keratolytic agent but its efficacy in treating superficial fungal infections has not been studied. Aim: this study was aimed at evaluating the efficacy of 30% salicylic acid peel for adjunctive treatment of tinea faciei, barbae, corporis, manuum and pedis.
Materials and methods: 19 patients aged 15-45, with clinical evident forms of tinea were treated using 30% salicylic acid peel on the first visit. Oral itraconazole and topical terbinafine were given for 2 weeks. Mycological examination and clinical photography were done on day 0 and day 15.
Results: marked clinical improvement seen in all patients at 2 weeks. 9
patients had no mycological evidence of fungal elements at follow up at day
Conclusion: 30% salicylic acid has keratolytic and anti inflammatory properties which may potentiate the action of antifungals in tinea, thus helping in prevention of drug resistance and promoting faster resolution of superficial dermatophytoses