The paneer developed by incorporation of mint flavour (2 percent) and soy milk at 10, 20 and 30 percent level and the resultant product were analysed for physio chemical properties and cost analysis. The output value of paneer samples were ranged from 35.80 to 67.08. The analysis of the data revealed significant difference (P<0.05) in the output yield of paneer samples between control and treatments and within the treatments indicating that addition of soy milk and mint flavor at different level affect the output yield. Analysis of data revealed a steady increase in the moisture percentage of paneer samples as replacement level of soy milk increased due to higher moisture retaining ability of soy protein. The analysis showed a gradual decrease in the total solids and fat content of paneer samples as replacement of soy milk increased. The statistical analysis of the data revealed to ash content, titratable acidity and pH of paneer samples showed no significant difference between control and treatment, indicating that addition of soy milk at 10, 20 and 30 percent level does not produce any significant change in the ash, titratable acidity and pH. The protein contents of paneer samples showed highly significant difference between control and treatments and within the treatments, an increasing trend in protein percentage noticed as the percentage addition of soy milk increases in paneer preparation that influences the protein content of paneer. The analysis of the fat, carbohydrate, energy values of paneer samples showed on significant difference (P<0.01) between control and treatments but a decreasing trend noticed as replacement level of soy milk increased. The cost of paneer prepared per litre of mixture for control and treatments indicating that when replacement level of soy milk increased the cost of ingredients per litre of mixture of paneer also decreased due to lower cost of soy milk as compared with cost of cow milk.