The education of Muslim girls is an important contributory factor in the progress of our Nation and must be given priority, because it is their education that will influence the upliftment of Muslim community which shares significant space in India’s population. Women education is also necessary because any community depends upon mother’s education which is the first institution of any child. Women bear greater responsibility of rearing, nurturing and upbringing of children, but still our system does not pay much attention to their education. Neither are they able to educate their children, nor are they able to improve their status. They are not having what they deserve for; the main reason being high rates of illiteracy among them.Looking on the figure of Muslim women participation in high cadre jobs, one finds it grim. Situation worsens when their picture is traced in judiciary, civil services and other government jobs. A sprinkling of high-profile Muslim women judges, academics, ministers, and sportspersons does not offer a complete picture. In the hamlets of Rural India and the slums of urban India, young girls are still confined to their homes (first their own, then that of their husbands’). After Sachar Committee’s report many facts have been disclosed about minorities’ education. Though the government has initiated some steps yet a lot has to be done to improve the condition of Muslim Women.Hence keeping in view the above facts, it has been intended to study the present status of women education, the reasons behind their low progress and to explore effective counter strategies to put Muslim girls on the frontline. In this study the data will be used from sources such as DISE, NUEPA, NCERT and other Government documents. It is hoped that the findings and discussions will be of use for policy makers, social workers and for the Muslim community at large.