Background: Alcohol use disorders are a major public health issue in which the adult populations are increasing by the period of time. Alcohol dependence is a matter of great concern to people like spouses and partners of alcohol dependent persons. Spouses of alcohol dependence individuals are likely to face problems in social adjustment, family functioning and psychological health.
Aim: Present study assess and compare the social support and quality of life among spouses of patients with alcohol dependence and normal controls.
Methods: The sample was consisted of 100 spouses of patients with ADS and normal controls (50 ADS and 50 Normal Controls) selected from OPD of Central India Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (CIIMHANS) Dewada, Chhattisgarh by using purposive sampling method. Socio-demographic and clinical details of all the spouses of patients with ADS and normal controls assessed by using the Social Support Scale (Nehra and Kulhara, 1987) and Quality of Life -BREF (WHOQOL –BREF, 1996).
Conclusion: The present study was indicated that spouses of patients with ADS had significant difference in respect to social support and quality of life comparisons to the spouses of normal control.