Metal pollution from multifarious sources like effluents from industries, agricultural runoff and untreated sewage system has adverse effects on aquatic ecosystem. Metallo-pesticides, including insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides are also known to contain various metals that can increase metal accumulation. The presence of metal pollutant in fresh water is known to disturb the delicate balance of the aquatic systems. Fish are often at the top of the aquatic food chain and may concentrate large amounts of some metals from the water. The study correlated the level of metal ions (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) in tissues and in water in a time dependent as well as dose dependent manner in both the species of teleost (O.mossambicus and L.rohita). Further Bioconcentration factor added metal based affinity towards tissue. Hence, the study gears up and proves that among both the fishes tested on exposure to micronutrient mixture, O.mossambicus was found to be more sturdy i.e it was able to with stand more metal load compared to L.rohita in a time dependent manner