Depression being a most common mental disorder is estimated to effect 350 million people. The demand for curbing depression and other mental health conditions are on the rise globally. The mean age of the study population was 38.4 years and 66.8% of them were females and 33.2% of them were males. Major depressive disorder (60.9%) and generalised anxiety disorder (21.8%) were the most common diagnoses. In our study SSRIs were more preffered drugs than other antidepressants. Among SSRIs, escitalopram are commonly used drugs followed by mirtazipine and sertraline respectively. A total of 1194 ADRs with 33 different types were observed in 207 patients, with an overall prevalence of about 94.1. All the reported ADRs were mild to moderate in severity according to modified Hart wig and Siegel scale. The most common reported ADRs were dry mouth (54.1%), nausea (49.1%), sedation (42.1%) and increased apeptite (39.4%). The most common organ system involved was gastrointestinal. Most of the ADRs were found to be associated with the use of escitalopram followed by mirtazipine and sertraline.