Swarnaprashansanskara is an ancient method to boost immunity and improve the physical and mental health of a child. It is mentioned in our Ayurvedic texts under sixteen sanskaras i.e (Jatakaramsanskara) Administration of a small amount of gold (in bhasma form), Ghirta and Honey to an infant accomplishes many criteria’s essential for a healthy living of a child. It enhances physical and mental health of children without any side effect. Administration of swarnaprashana in children for about one month can boost physical strength and enhances immunity and intake of swarnaprashan for about six months enhances memory and grasping power of children. Many studies available regarding this, which are mentioned under heading study regarding swarnaprashanasanskara. Administration of swarnaprashana in PushyaNakshatra day to get optimum nourishments and benefits.