Greenspaces and forest trees contribute to a number of environmental functions in urban environments, such as the survival of urban-dwelling species (e.g., bird species). This paper analyzes the relationship between greens pace characteristics (structural and spatial attributes) and the diversity of avian ecology species. Urban ecosystem has been largely ignored throughout many decades of ecological research. The present study is based on observation and sighting of birds and started with an aim of preparing the checklist of Birds from Polipathar region in Jabalpur city. The area is 1.5 km away from Narmada River Gwarighat. This is suburb area of Jabalpur. 77 Species of birds belong to 34 families and 13 orders were observed from surveyed area. Most of them are residential whereas winter migrate, aquatic birds also recorded from the area. The aim of this study is to prepare a list of species and to provide measures for their conservation.