Background: This study was conducted to find the morbidity & mortality patterns in elderly patients and the profile of diseases that affect those elderly patients admitted in our hospital in a developing country and gives information about their gender distribution and urban versus rural residence. The objective is to find their morbidity and mortality patterns in a tertiary care hospital associated with Government Medical College Srinagar, in India.
Material and Methods: In this prospective study, all elderly patients who were admitted in our medicine ward in Sri Maharaja Hari Singh hospital [SMHS] (associated hospital of Government Medical College, Srinagar) were studied over a period of 18 months. The elderly are defined as persons aged 65 years and above [1]. A total of 400 elderly patients were admitted during these 18 months. Patients were studied for their presenting complaints, comorbidities, diagnoses, residence and gender distribution.
Results: A total of 400 elderly patients were admitted during these 18 months. Out of these, 25.25% patients expired. Males were 44.25% and females 55.75%.66 % of patients were rural and 34% were from urban areas. 30% were hypertensives .Most common cause for admission was infections involving urinary tract followed by pneumonia. This was followed by admissions due to acute exacerbation of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and haemorrhagic strokes. Most common cause of death in our patients was infections followed by haemorrhagic stroke and myocardial infarction.
Conclusion: There is a need for information regarding the characteristics of admissions of elderly people to help in planning health services for the same.