The aim of this article is to demonstrate a case study on the incidence of ADHD. The objective of this research is (i) To identify the prevalence of ADHD in primary school children, (ii) To identify the gender difference in the prevalence of ADHD, (iii) To compare the distribution of ADHD among different socioeconomic status, (iv)To identify the presence of any co-morbid factors associated with ADHD. A group of children of varying age group diagnosed with ADHD were observed and a case study was done based on the observations. Everyone has bad days but when an individual is diagnosed with ADHD it sometimes feels like the universe has conspired against them and no amount of positive thinking or effort will make a difference. Basically negative thinking just leads to low self esteem which leads to bad choice and even worse reactions. Hence I decided to do a case study to create awareness on the prevalence of ADHD. The study also showed that in the majority of ADHD kids , ADHD's trademark hyper-focusis a serious advantage - if one can effectively channel all that attention and energy into work that makes a huge difference. It must not be undermined that ADHD kids cannot concentrate or lack interest in everything. The study also showed that ADHD can be cured naturally without medications with the help of behaviour therapy.