Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is a painful condition in the area of the elbow due to damage of the extensor muscles and tendons of the hand and fingers. These muscles are located on the outer side of the forearm and are joined with the tendons on the lower outer part of the forearm. Causes are various but most common are repetitive movements and overuse of the arm. In this study are included 6 patients. 5 male and 1 female, all with syndrome of tennis elbow, on age from 43 to 70. All patients were treated with fire needle acupuncture in a clinic for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture in Skopje, Macedonia by a doctor specialist in acupuncture. Treatments were done on Ashi points (trigger points) that were found on palpation on the most painful places in the area of the elbow. Treatments were done indoor on a room temperature. Three patients needed only 1 treatment, one patient 2 treatments, one patient 3 treatments and one patient 6 treatments. With a very few acupuncture treatments we succeeded to get very fast and positive results, to improve the condition significantly and reduce the pain and symptoms completely.