Background: Although Sudan has qualified and veteraned radiographers, image reporting by Diagnostic Radiologic Technology Specialists (DRTSs) is remains unauthorized in this country. Expansion the task of radiographers to have authority of image report in a specific part of the body will reduce the stress on radiologists due to overload work, more reported images and less patient waiting time. Urgent needs to conduct this study to explore desires of DRTSs in Sudan to image reporting
Methodology: A cross-sectional monograph was conducted to know desires of DRTSs in Sudan to image reporting. Questionnaire distributed in August 2014 directly to random of 139 DRTSs.
Results: It was observed that 94.2% (n=131/139) of the participants in Sudan would like to write a report of image.
Conclusion: There are more interesting of image reporting by DRTSs in Sudan.