Background: Selenoprotein Iodothyronine 5’Deiodonases activates pro-T3 to 3,3’-5T3(Tri-iodothyronine) which is involved in growth through a gene mediated protein metabolism. Oestradiol (E2) enhances activity of selenoproteins in adult pre-menopausal women taking selenium supliments, however the effect of selenium supplementation on weight change of different gender of asymptomatic HIV positive pre-puberty children is still unknown. Methods: In this study of 25 Females and 25 Males randomly chosen asymptomatic HIV positive children 3 – 16 years old, 25 of the children were given, a fixed dose of 50μg yeast selenium while a matched control of 25 were put on placebo. Weight of children were taken at 3 months intervals up to 6 months, using electronic personal scale (model 10010), the resultant data was analyzed by Epi Info version 6,and SPSS version 16. Results: No significant difference in mean weight of children was observed at baseline between the controls and children on test . Children on selenium had weight increase of 2.5Kg at six months .The weight for age Z score increased above -2SDs cut off point at six months amongst the children on selenium, in all age categories, 3-5 years 1.20 ± 2.45, 6-8years 0.19 ± 0.880, 9-15 years 0.97 ± 1.22, while there was a decrease in all the age categories in matched controls to below -2SDs at six months , 3-5 years -2.218 ± 1.46, 6-8 years -2.95. ± 3.10, 9-15 -2.30 ± 1.240. There was a significant WAZ difference between controls and selenium group at six months {F (5,12) = =5.758, P=0.006}. Prevalence of underweight in control was 48% compared to the test group at 9% at six months. Female children on selenium initially had a decrease and then sharp increase in WAZ (Tick Phenomenon), compared to the males who had a steady increase in WAZ. Conclusion: It can be concluded that intake of yeast Selenium led to significant improvement in weight for age Z score at six months and further that there is gender related differences in weight change between HIV positive asymptomatic female and male children taking selenium as a supplement