Statement of the problem: The degree of microbial adherence and inflammatory response invoked by intraorally placed resorbable sutures and intraorally placed non resorbable sutures is not clear and needs to be investigated further.
• To analyse the inflammatory response and microbial adherence in intraoral resorbable sutures.
• To analyse the inflammatory response and microbial adherence in intraoral non resorbable sutures.
• To compare the effectiveness of both.
Sources used: An electronic search was conducted for scholarly articles about the inflammatory response and microbial adherence invoked by intraorally placed resorbable and non resorbable sutures in pubmed. The search methodology applied was a combination of MESH terms and suitable keywords based on PICO formulated for the review.
Search methodology: The database search yielded 12 articles out of which 3 articles were discarded after reading the abstract. Full texts were obtained for the remaining 9 articles.5 articles were selected based on the inclusion criteria and 4 articles were excluded. The finally selected 5 articles were subjected to data extraction and statistical analysis.
Results and conclusion: Non resorbable silk sutures were found to cause more intense and prolonged inflammatory response when compared to intra orally placed resorbable sutures.
Non resorbable silk sutures seemed to conduct bacterial migration more easily than to intra orally placed resorbable sutures.