Aim: To determine the anti-bacterial activity of Coleus ambonicus on selected oral microbes.
Objective: The objective of this study was to find the efficiency of extract of Coleus ambonicus when tested on selected oral microbes.
Background: Due to its inherent botanical and biochemical complexity, standardization of the active components of Coleus ambonicus so far is very complex. Different parts of Coleus ambonicus e.g. leaves, flowers, stem, root, seeds etc. are known to possess therapeutic potentials and have been used, by traditional medical practitioners, as expectorant, analgesic, anticancer, antiasthmatic, antiemetic, diaphoretic, antidiabetic, antifertility etc.
Reason: As Coleus ambonicus has a widespread uses like anti bacterial, anti fungal ,anti oxidant properties it appears to be a suitable alternative to manage conditions affecting the oral cavity.