This study investigates Word Fluency, a dimension of Divergent Production Ability (DPA ) of first year higher secondary students of Cuddalore town. Stratified Random Sampling method is adopted for choosing the sample. The sample of the study consists of 236 male and 264 female students of fourteen higher secondary schools. The Normative Survey Method is adopted to study the Word Fluency, a dimension of Divergent Production Ability (DPA ), to measure the Word Fluency, Divergent Production Battery (DPA ) constructed and standardized by Dr. Sharma K.N. (2010 ) and Personal Data Sheet to obtain the general information of the respondent is used. The results show that the Word Fluency, a dimension of Divergent Production Ability (DPA ) score of the higher secondary students of first year is low, and there is significant mean difference between the sub-samples namely Gender, Residence, Medium of Instruction, Personal Tuition, Personal Help for Reading, Parental Education, Parental Occupation, Family Monthly Income, Number of Siblings, Order of Birth, Group chosen in the Higher Secondary Course and Nature of Institution.