Objective: to valorize the Dioscorea liebrechtsiana Of Wild" Ntinia".
Methodology and results: the investigation interested 54 sellers of Ntinia in the 8 markets of Brazzaville to know: Commission; bourreau; Madibou; Total; Talangai; Ouenzé; The Tsiémé; Bifouiti. The choice of the sample has been made on the basis of a non probabilistic sampling, because of the absence of an exhaustive list of the sellers of ‘Ntinia’. The collected data have been dealt with the software Cspros 6 Statas 11.
The results gotten in the setting of this work show that: 87,04% of the women hold the sale of ‘Ntinia’ and 12,96% of the men participate on the whole to the sale, 77,37% of the sellers have a secondary level and 55,55% of the sellers have an experience of more than 3 years in the sale of the ‘Ntinia’.
The ‘Ntinia’ is available on the market of September to February; he disappears on the market during six months, of March to August. The ‘Ntinia’ consumed in Brazzaville comes often of the long circuits of merchandising.
The sellers make resort to several techniques of conservation.
Finally, the survey reveals that the sellers are confronted to the problems of storage and the conservation of ‘Ntinia’. 98, 15% are satisfied with this trade.
Conclusion: The merchandising of the ‘Ntinia’ is a generating activity of income that allows those that practice it to face the vital needs of the households. Some measures should be sought-after in order to improve the conservation and the storage of this PFNL. Besides, propertied of the therapeutic virtues, some future studies are necessary.