United Nations defines ‘youth’ as the persons aged between 15 and 24 which isn’t universal. India considers youth as the population ageing 15-29 years. As per data collected from Ministry of statistical and programme implementation, currently there are 194576 males and 176850 females as youth generation in India which is around 27.3% of the total population (in year 2021). Group of 20(G20) is an intergovernmental forum indulging 19 countries and the European Union. It works to address issues related to global economy. India’s G20’s Presidency recognizes the importance of engaging young people to promote sustainable growth, social development and global governance. It had been emphasizing the need for youth participation and engagement in policy making processes. Certain priorities for youth in G20 according to youth summits includes climate Change and disaster risk reduction, peacebuilding and reconciliation, shared future health, wellbeing & sports encouragement. It also recognizes importance of engaging with Indian youth and has undertaken various schemes to address needs, aspirations and basically to bring out their fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to global challenges. Considering the importance of these schemes like Y20 for youth development, in this paper, I will be presenting various impacts of G20 presidency on Indian youth based on primary sources, surveys collected from youth of different backgrounds. The Im’act of which includes the influence of policies, youth’s exposure to globally recognized issues, their representation, enhanced skills, employment, innovation and entrepreneurship.Further,this will also inspire today’s generation in making initiatives culturally, economically for educational institutions and will lead a good exchange of thoughts, cultures, ideas.