This study aimed to contribute to the enhancement of attiéké nutritional balance by the incorporation of soy flour. Thirty rats teamed up into five per group, were fed during 21 days with six diets. These diets were a protein-free diet, a diet containing classic attiéké; three diets containing attiéké fortified with 5%, 9% and 12% of soy flour; and a control diet. At the end of experimental period, nutritional values of soy-fortified attiéké were determined, based on their biochemical composition, growth parameters and digestibility parameters of rats. The variation of biochemical components of soy-fortified attiéké indicates that protein (from 4.06 to 14.58%), fatty matters (from 1.92 to 8.51%), ashes (from 1.10 to 1.70 %) and fibers (from 4.00 to 13.50 %) contents increase significantly with the incorporated soy flour quantity. On the contrary, it shows a decrease in total carbohydrate content from 85.92 to 69.81 %. The nutritionnal parameters such as weight gain, dietary consumption index, dietary and protein efficiency coefficients of rats fed with the test diets were correlated with protein content. Their values were lower than those of control diet. In addition, the comparison biological values of diets, shows that there is no significant difference between classic attiéké, 5% soy-fortified attiéké and 9% soy-fortified attiéké. These diets have lower biological values than 12% soy-fortified attiéké. This study revieled that the consumption of attiéké fortified with 9% and 12% soy promotes a good growth of rats.