An investigation was conducted to standardized a protocol in vitro propagation via leaf of strawberry using cv. Chandler and Ofra to find out In vitro propagation, leaf explant found superior over shoot tip explant of both cultivars of strawberry with best treatment i.e. MS medium fortified with TDZ (2.5 mg L-1) along with IBA (0.5 or 1.0 mg L-1) and PVP (0.1 mg L-1) for shoot induction and 1.0 BA + 0.5 IBA + 0.1 PVP (mg L-1) with MS medium is best over commercially available HiMedia (PT 117) for shoot multiplication. Whereas, ½MS medium supplemented with 1.0 IBA + 200 charcoal (mg L-1) found best for root induction and hardening media combinations of Cocopeat + Vermiculite + Vermicompost + Sand (1:1:1:1, v/v) results higher survival in field. These findings are reproducible for in vitro propagation of strawberry cultivar Chandler and Of ra. The plantlets, thus developed were hardened and successfully established in soil medium.