The present work showed antimalarial activity and cytotoxicity study of total ethanolic extract from rhizomes of Curcuma aeruginosa. Roxb Antimalarial study was evaluated by SYBER GREEN I-Based Fluorescence method and In vitro cytotoxicity study of total ethanolic extract by MTT Assay. Physio-chemical evaluation of the drugs for detecting adulteration, which includes, Total ash value, extractive value and fluorescence analysis. To analyse qualitative and quantitative, Phytochemical analysis such as Total Phenolic content, preliminary phytochemical analysis of total ethanolic extract of C. aeruginosa revealed a presence of Alkaloid, glycoside, phenolic, flavonoids, Terpenoids, steroids etc. Total ethanolic extract of C.aeruginosa inhibit the formation of MTTformazan by 50% was found to be 220µg/ml compared to 110µg/ml standard drug. Antimalarial study by SYBER Green I- Based Fluorescence (MSF) method shows IC50 value of ethanolic extract and chloroquinediphosphate against strain 3D7 38.5, 0.23 respectively and strain K1 shows 52.0 and 0.025. selective index of Curcuma aeruginosa was found to be 5.71 and 4.23 compared to 478.26 and 4400 chloroquinediphosphate.