The Purpose of Research is to provide an alternative tool for assessing roughly children who show average, below average and fast-development based on the development levels of children at preschool period by conducting the validity and reliability research of Brigance K&1 Screen II Kindergarten Form. The population of the reserch is the children aged between 5 and 5, 5 who attend the preschool education institutions in Ordu city. Of these children, 338 children randomly selected were the sample group. The research was carried out in two stages. Validity-reliability work at the first stage application work at the second stage was carried out. The validity and reliability of the research was carried out in the two fall semester of the academic year 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. Implementation study was carried out in 2017-2018 with 262 children of five years old who continue to pre-school education institutions during the fall semester.The research was conducted by using the screening model in the quantitative research method. Data collection tools are "Brigance K&1 Screen II (Brigance Kindergarten and 1’st Class Primary School Screen II) Kindergarten Form". Screening Forms were applied to children in groups and individually. The data analysis was processed to the SPSS-21 statistical program and Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) was used for the form structure validity and Cronbach Alpha statistics were used for its reliability. As a result of the research, the Form is seen to comprise of 3 factors and 12 items. The factor loads of the items vary between 0.42 and 0.80 in the first factor (Academic Skills), between 0.58 and 0.62 in the second factor (Language and Communication Skills) and between 0.41 to 0.84 in the third factor (Motor Skills). It was evaluated that each item had internal validity with item-total correlation values above 0.40 and when three factors are considered for the form’s reliability and Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficients of the items determined for the general form are considered, the first factor is 0.72, the second factor is 0.66 and the third factor is 0.62, and thus, they have an acceptable level of reliability with an overall reliability coefficient of 0.79. As a result, the Brigance K&1 Screen II Kindergarten Screening Form is valid and reliable for assessing roughly the development of children aged 5 with low, medium and high level and possible development problems. At the end of the application each child's screening assessments were scored and a ranking was made based on the total scores. As a rough assessment, the total scores of the children were grouped into the lower, middle and upper development level according to the score range of the test. According to the rough assessment on the total scores, the individual development of the children may vary compared to each other and according to their classes.