The paper highlightsuse and services of UGC-Infonet digital library consortium given by two university libraries in Maharashtra.Today a growing number of consortia around the world have signed license agreement and are operational, ranging from small to big, and regional to international level consortia. UGC-Infonet digital library consortium is a national level consortium.The print collection available in university libraries and user requirements suppliedwith an aim to identify and determine e-resources to be subscribed under the UGC-Infonet digital library consortium. Questionnaire is used as a technique to collect the primary related data from faculty members, research scholars and post graduate students. Maximum library users of both universities opined that UGC-Infonet e-journal consortium is ‘Good’. Majority of university library users fulfill their needs ‘partially’ in both universities. It is important to know the fulfillment level of respondents by services of UGC-Infonet consortium.