This study analyses use of remittance at household and social levels particularly in Bima Village of Myagdi District, Nepal. The research issues are analyzed based on puss and pull factors of migration, theories of human capital formation, economic development and sustainable livelihood. This study applied quantitative approach and trend survey method. Required data/information were collected through household survey, observation and informal communication techniques with 169 respondents and twelve participants.
This study found that all remittance is becoming prominent source of family earning in Bima Village. Owing to that monthly family earning found comparatively more than national average per capita income 753$. The remitters are working in Gulf and western countries and some of them are operating business in Korea, Japan, Belgium and UK. The monthly income of the remitters found ranging from NRs. 30000 - 2, 00000. The remittance is equally using at households and social levels. Chi square test between; family income and places of school/higher education and education of remitters and financial support on road construction project found significant. Remittance is also using for micro hydro, drinking water, temple and building infrastructure of technical education projects. However, Chi square test between incomes of the migrated youth and decreasing trend of agriculture production, working countries of migrated youth and their future planning to invest in tourism and agro entrepreneurships sectors found insignificant.
Similarly, remittance is also using to buy unnecessary goods, foods, clothes and cosmetic items, electronic accessories and also expensing during the celebrations of cultural functions. Chi square test between religion of family and expensing in cultural functions, family system of migrated youths and migration of remitters’ wives in urban centers, land holding pattern of family and migration planning found significant. Finally, empirical findings of this study have supported to the theoretical propositions applied during analysis. Here is why, knowledge generated from this study is equally fruitful to the remitters, members of remittance receiving households and rural development stakeholders.