Urbanization is causing a marked temperature increase in cities compared to rural areas by affecting parameters such as temperature, speed of wind and humidity, and is intensifying the heat island of the city. In this study, we present the changes in temperature, precipitation, wind and relative humidity in the city of Sakarya and determine the formation of urban heat island by comparing the data of two different counties. For the determination of differences between Adapazarı and Geyve counties- being the study areas - the monthly, annual and seasonal averages of minimum, average and maximum temperatures and changes in wind and humidity data of both stations were examined. The increase and decrease trends of these changes are indicated using linear regression, and its correlation with the increase of population and formation of heat island has been determined. Urban-rural stations are evaluated as a result, the effect of urbanization appears to become evident especially in maximum-minimum temperature difference series. However, there is an inverse relationship in wind, rainfall and humidity values. It is possible to mention with regard to these values that the temperature increasing, in other words, heat island effect emerges in Adapazarı compared to the surrounding rural area.