The most important period in the life span of women is the reproductive period, which extends from menarche to menopause. Fertility regulation is one of the basic and most important preventive health care services for women in reproductive age. India became the first country in the world to launch a family planning programme to check the population growth.From the beginning, India has positioned its family planning programme as one arising out of concern for women’s well being and status. Plan after plan has implied, if not highlighted outright, the unfair burden placed on women by unplanned, repeated pregnancies and consequently the spiral of unmanageable developmental needs on society. The traditional feudal society has sought to regulate every aspect of women’s lives and not much importance is given to the reproductive health of women in earlier days. Religion, caste and cultural values have played important roles in defining and controlling women’s fertility. A woman’s general health status is intimately related to her health during pregnancy and is ofmajor importance for her reproductive outcome.Women’s reproductive rights must account for the fact that reproduction is only one aspect of women’s physiology and lives, and cannot be viewed in isolation. Hence the reproductive health is a fundamental human right as well as human development issue that states must strive to fulfill. Though we have certain rights and privileges related to reproductive rights women are not aware and they are not free to enjoy these rights. The present article highlights the issues and concerns related to reproductive health rights of women in India. The article explores the issues and concerns related to reproductive health and promoting reproductive health rights among women.