The availability of banana (Musa paradissica L.) fruits throughout the year, and due to the varying climatic and growing conditions in the country, India has become one of the major banana producing country in the world. Banana crop occupies a premiere position to give lump sum income to the farmer among irrigated cash crop and food crops in India. The present study was aimed to analyze the trends in area, production and productivity of banana crop on India and in district of Kaushambi in U.P. District Kaushambi is selected purposively because of banana cultivation in large scale and also due to better profitable cash crop. A time series data from 2001-02 to 2013-14(13 years) regarding the area, production and productivity of banana crop in India and to analyze the trends in district of Kaushambi a time series data from 2005-06 to 2010-11 ( 6 years) regarding the area, production and productivity of banana crop were collected. It is observed that for as many as 3 years the growth rate of India’s banana cultivation area has been negative, for 3 years it has been less than5 per cent and for 1year, the growth has been registered over 18 per cent. Percent increase in area under banana in the district of Kaushambi is 9.51 from 2005-08 to 08-11 but the production has decreased by 26.38% while productivity is increasing as 1.3 %. Escalation in the input cost like water, fertilizers and quality planting material coupled with plant protection measures are the major limiting factors in improving the production of bananas.
The research priorities should be focused to achieve higher production and productivity with minimum cost of cultivation. Information related to trends in banana crop can aid the policy makers in recommending policies leading to sustainable increase in the production.