Introduction: CROQ is a widely used PROM meant for coronary revascularization patients. It had been developed originally in English but has been translated into several languages including Norwegian, Farsi, Japanese etc. It is an acceptable, reliable, valid and responsive instrument. This paper describes the translation of CROQ for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) into Gujarati and evaluating its psychometric properties.
Aim: To translate and validate the Gujarati version of CROQ-PCI
Methods: Forward and Backward Translation of CROQ for PCI was done. The Gujarati version of CROQ was then administered to 139 pre and post-operative subjects of PCI. The post-operative subjects were 4 weeks post-op.
Results: The mean of the age pre-op group was 56.6 years whereas that of post-op group was 57.85 years. All the items had <10% missing items. The CROQ-Gujarati version showed good acceptability, reliability and construct validity for within scale analysis. Face and Content validity were established by the expert group.
Conclusion: The Gujarati version of CROQ-PCI is an acceptable, reliable and valid outcome measure for pre and post PCI subjects.