The general notion stated that 'the more modern human beings, the more cultured they are' is not proven. The recent violence in society is actually driven by modern humans with all the modes inside of it. Thus, the violence phenomenon is a representation that violence can happen to anyone, anywhere and under any circumstances. Violence is not only personal, but also in bulk even globally like violence caused by war. The issue of violence becomes a sort of culture in modern-day reasoning.
In this context violence means the actions of a person or group causing injury or death to another person or causing physical damage to another person's goods. Theoretically, violence, sadistic behavior in today's society and the like or so-called aggressive human behavior occurs for various reasons; partly because of phylogenetically programmed instincts, others may believe that aggression is formed by learning from the surrounding environment, or both.
There are two forms of violence that occur are; (1) state violence against the people; and (2) people's violence against the people. When viewed from its type, then there are four types of root of violence in society, namely; (1) open violence, (2) closed violence, (3) aggressive violence, and (4) defensive violence. All of these violent phenomena, whether consciously or unconsciously, are a denial of the human beings for their humanitarian values.