Three species of Phelipanche Pomel, P. nana (Noë ex Rchb.) Soják, P. ramosa (L.) Pomel and P. Schultzii (Mutel) Pomel were recorded for the first time to the flora of Iraq. P. nana was found only in Khadhar al-Mai in the southern desert (DSD), it was parasitized on Cruciferae, P. schultzii was found in two districts, Amadyia district (MAM) and Sulaimanyia district (MSU) of the Mountain Region, it was parasitized on Galium sp. (Rubiaceae). While P. ramosa was widely distributed in almost all Mountain Regions and the Persian Foothills (FPF) and parasitized on Tomatos, chickpea and wild bean. Key to the species, habitat and distribution were given and diagnostic characters with photographs of species were illustrated