Background & Objective: Ergonomics is the main reason for the poor posture of the computer professional. Changes in posture is due to inappropriate ergonomics set up leading to pain in the joints like neck, shoulder etc. The worldwide trend is the daily use of computer based tasks at work as well as increased computer based leisure activities. Musculoskeletal system disorders in computer users are on increasing trend and 65 percent of them complained of neck and shoulder discomfort.
Methods: A total 30 subjects with musculoskeletal disorder in the age range of 20-40 years were assessed. Pain was evaluated by visual analogue scale and McGill questionnaire. Postural advice and exercises were taught for four weeks duration to decrease the pain and discomfort. The posture was assessed by RULA.
Result: There is an increase prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among the computer users due to alteration in the posture. A non-significant change was obtained following the exercise regime due to limited duration.
Conclusion: Timely assessment of the posture and advise on exercises plays a key role in management of work related musculoskeletal disorders.