The objective of this study was to analyze the perception of trainers and their new roles in the implementation of the new pedagogic approach promoted in state agricultural schools. Data was collected through semi directive interviews conducted on 20 persons, retranscribed and analyze using the thematic analysis approach. The results showed that the new pedagogic approach was accepted by all the trainers. But their perception with regards to the principal innovation brought forth is lukewarm. The trainers are expected to play the role of a guide amongst the trainees. However, the change of posture expected from the trainers through the adoption of active pedagogic modalities is the principal aspect of their new roles which is not yet mastered. The unwillingness of actors of the professional milieu during their implication in the training is also one of the main difficulties encountered by trainers. To improve it, they suggested a continuous training of trainers and internship masters, the establishment of their status and signing a convention with the internships masters. The study helped to highlight the successful and less successful aspects of the pedagogic reform. The recommendations of this study feed the reflections on areas for improvement for a better implementation of the reform.