Quest of researchers for innovative analytical reagent is unending. Among the analytical reagents available in the market has one or more limitations. 2-Chloroquinoline-3-carbaldehyde Thiosemicarbazone (2-Chloro-QAT) is found to a better an analytical reagent for transition metals. It is synthesized from 2-Chloroquinolone-3- Carbaldehyde and Thiosemicarbazide. Further, it was characterized by elemental analysis, antimicrobial activity UV Visiblespectra, IR spectra and XRD analysis. As it forms colored complexs with Fe (III) and Ni (II), it was used for their analysis from samples. Practically it was used to determine Fe (III) content from water and Ni (II) content from Chocolate. Amount of both the ions were calculated by both calculation and graphical method. From Beer’s plot, Fe (III) content in water sample and Ni (II) content from Cadbury chocolate were determined. Results obtained by both the methods were pretty good.