Emotional Intelligence is the only tool that has the capability of managing the emotional aspect of people. It not only identifies but also improves the emotional dimension. A lot of research pertaining to Emotional Intelligence has depicted that now a day emotional enrichment is as much required as any other skill that may be situational, behavioral, physical etc. Emotional Intelligence holds the responsibility of identifying the emotional cope of people and of others and also provides ways for their up gradation in an optimistic way. Job Emotional Requirement represents the minimum required level of emotional content to be possessed by an individual while working at place of work (Lee, 1999). Present study seeks to analyze the impact of various dimensions of Emotional Intelligence on Job Emotional Requirement level of individuals working in Tourism sector. The various dimensions chosen under Emotional Intelligence in the current study are Self Awareness, Self Management and Social Awareness. The study further seeks to identify the impact of each sub dimension (Emotional Self Awareness, Accurate Self Assessment, Self Confidence, Emotional Self Control, Transparency, Adaptability, Initiative, Achievement, Optimism, Empathy, Organizational Awareness, Service Orientation) of various dimensions of Emotional Intelligence on various dimensions of Job Emotional Requirement (Emotional Expression, Emotion Perception, Emotional Suppression and Understanding Emotion).