Quarry is a place from which stones, rocks, sand, gravel and many more can be excavated for human resource. Quarries are generally used for extracting building materials such as dimension stones. The history of this quarry work begins from the Egyptian, Romans times where they did their work in making pyramids, temples, etc. Considering the Indian context, it can be traced to the Pallava period where they built cave, monuments and temples. At the present time, things have changed. People land up in this job due to the lack of livelihood opportunity that they have. Most of them are migrants. Since there are no livelihood opportunities back in their place, and then tend to move where there is opportunity for job for a living. In the Indian context, the labor is classified into organized or formal and unorganized or informal. Organized are documented whereas the unorganized sector is non-documented. Quarry also is a form of unorganized work because it does not follow any systematic procedures. Therefore, this study focuses on the status of the quarry workers where it particularly focuses on the socio-economic condition, physical health condition and the working condition. These are the objectives of the study. The researcher has used a quantitative research methodology. Descriptive research design is used to analyze and describe the data that has been collected from the respondents. Interview schedule was prepared by the researcher as a tool for data collection. The researcher census method of sampling. The main findings of the research are as follows, the study gives the main findings based on the socio-economic condition, physical health condition, and working condition of the respondents. Based on the main findings, the suggestions were given to the government, NGOs and the social worker and to help the quarry working to live a life of dignity and happiness.