Background: Menopause is defined as an end of natural occurring of 12 months, after your last menstrual period and it marks the end of menstrual cycles. This period is generally associated with unavoidable manifestation of aging process in women.
Objectives: To study clinical presentation of psychological problems associated with menopause. Efficacy of Homoeopathic similimum in management of cases of menopausal depression
Methods:. This prospective study includes 107 Female suffering from menopausal depression between age group of 45 to 50 years who have visited our institute. Questionnaire is made regarding Demographic, Marital status, Occupation, Post menopausal symptoms, homeopathic treatment etc.. The data has been presented using descriptive statistics for the prevalence of menopausal depression and other variables. Non-parametric test like chi square analysis have been used.
Results: 11 cases (11%) of postmenopausal complaints have hot flushes as presenting symptom; 9 cases (9%) have profuse perspiration; 6 cases (6%) have burning micturition; 3 cases (3%) have reduced sexual desire/aversion to sex; 9 cases (6.66%) has itching of genitalia; 8 cases(8%) have palpitation, only 1 case suffer from sleeplessness; 06 cases (6%) have anxiety; 8 cases (8%) have irritability. The maximum symptom was depression in 39 cases (39%). out of 100 cases under study, 11 cases (11%) are given Nux Vom; 10 cases (10%) are given Sepia; 9 cases (9%) are given Calcerea Carb; 11 cases (11%) are given Kali Carb; 10 cases (10%) are given Lycopodium; 10 cases (10%) are given Pulsatilla; 12 cases (12%) are given Sulphur; 11 cases are given Graphitis; 08 cases (8%) are given Lachesis and 8 cases (8%) are given Natrum Mur. Above survey infer that out of 100 cases, 85 cases (85%) were cured; 05 cases (5%) showed Improvement. However, 10 cases (10%) did not show improvement after homeopathy treatment.
Conclusion: The highest incidence of postmenopausal depression is seen in the age group of 45 to 45 years and the least incidence is seen in the age group of 56 to 60 years. The highest prevalence of postmenopausal complaints is seen among labourers, housewives and maids.The homeopathic remedies gave maximum relief to the patients. Homeopathic management of menopausal depression is able to annihilate the symptoms and helps to reduce the intensity of the manifestation. There is always an excellent scope in homeopathic system for the treatment of menopausal depression, as the philosophy of the system is based upon holistic and individualistic approach.
The results of this prospective study have proved that the Homeopathic medicines can definitely render immense benefit to patients provided the laws and principles of homoeopathy are properly followed rather than considering the part, consider the whole. This proves that Homoeopathy has definite role in treatment of menopausal depression.